Basics of web designing-learn from scratch

Basics of web designing includes many terms like web, web page, web browser, html, tags etc. Firstly you should understand about html.  HTML stands for Hypertext Markup Language. Now what is markup language? For this, firstly you should know about the following terms:

♦  Web page

♦  Web

Basics of web designing

basics of web designing

Web page

For basics of web designing, firstly you should understand about a web page. A web page is a web document that is available on the web. A web page can be accessed through the internet using a web browser like Internet Explorer, Chrome, Firefox, Opera etc. A web page contains text, audio, video, images, hyperlinks to other pages. A web page is written in html and is translated by your web browser.

For example : whenever you search anything on google, the page that display after any search is a web page. A web page has two types:

  1. Dynamic web page
  2. Static web page

Dynamic web page : A dynamic web page is that page in which content can change each time whenever it is accessed. For example : a web page which shows live updates of cricket scores.

Static web page : A static web page is that in which content remains same whenever it is accessed.


Web or World Wide Web is a system of interlinked hypertext documents that can be accessed through Internet. Web or WWW is a set of programs, standards and protocols that allows the text, images, animations, audios(sounds), videos to be stored, linked and accessed together in the form of websites.

Web is a collection of millions of web pages stored in thousands of computers all over the world. There are three components which together form the World Wide Web:

Internet : Internet is the global system or wide area network that connects computer systems across the world in which every computer can communicate with every other computer.

Web servers: Also know as Information and distribute information. web server runs or host the websites. Its basic objective is to store, process and deliver web pages to the end user over the internet. Example: Apache (its job is to establish a connection between the web server and the browser)

Web Browser : Web browser is a software application by which the individual can access the information on World Wide Web. The function of web browser is to fetch information resources from the web and display the information to the user’s device.

Hypertext Markup Language(HTML) is a standard language that build the web. It is used for creating and designing the documents that can be displayed in a web browser. Hypertext refers to the way that how web pages are linked together. Whenever you click a  link in any web page, you are actually using hypertext. It means, hypertext is just a text that works as a link.

Markup language describes how html works. Markup Language is a way of writing layout information within documents i.e., the tags you use to define the page layout and its elements. To mark up the contents, we can use tags. To become professional in any field, you must know and understand about the basics of that field. Read the full article to understand the basics of web designing.


Tags are basically the commands surrounded by angular brackets <>. Tags and attributes are not case-sensitive which means there is no difference between <html> or <HTML>. There are two types of tags in html:

  1. Paired tag
  2. Unpaired tag

Paired tag : Also known as container tags. Paired tags are those which has a Start or Opening tag and End or Closing tag. Its syntax is <tag_name> content </tag_name> tag is called a start tag and </tag_name> is called end tag.

For example: <html>……….</html>

Unpaired tag: Also known as empty tag. Unpaired tag is that which does not have a closing tag. Its syntax is <tag_name>.

For example : <br>

Building blocks of html document

Every html page or document starts with a <html> tag and ends with </html> tag which shows that the entire document is composed in html. Inside these two html tags, the page or document contains two sections:

  1. Header section
  2. Body section

Header section : Header section starts with <head> tag and end with </head> tag. Inside these tags, title information or other additional information is written. Information inside these tags does not display outside.


<title> My first web page </title>


Body section: Body section contains the main content of the document that shows on web page. It is written inside <body>….</body> tags.

For example:


<title> my first web page </title>



<p> This content is shown on the web page </p>



These are the basics of web designing that every web designer must know about it.





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